Settle Down Kids: Back to School Edition

  • Remind them how many days until the school bus comes
  • Ask them to pack away their camp bags until next year
  • Make them go to bed early beginning a week before school to “practice”
  • Bag the lunches every day one week ahead of the start of school – again, good practice
  • Unearth the school shoes and set them by the door, ready for that first morning
  • Nix any plans for sleepovers and partying close to the first day of school
  • Calculate how many hours they’ll be in school this year; have them help with the math
  • Treat everyone to a fun trip to Staples for school supplies
  • Index all possible school lunches for easy pickings; place list prominently in the kitchen
  • Offer to do dry runs to school before that first day, just to practice
  • Unwrap new packages of pencils and get the kids to sharpen them
  • Smile to yourself as they roll their eyes and moan about not being ready for school or complain about all the practice

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13 Responses to “Settle Down Kids: Back to School Edition”

  1. Grace Says:

    One of the best commercials on TV, in my opinion, is the Staples (or maybe Office Depot) with the dad push-dancing the cart through the aisles and the music to “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” playing in the background.
    Grace recently posted..It’s Not the Needle That Bothers Me

  2. liz Says:

    i still have some time before my summers end like yours. 🙂
    liz recently posted..The Ultimate Re-Purposing

  3. Cecelia Winesap Says:

    I agree with Grace. That Staples commerical is great.
    Cecelia Winesap recently posted..Towel Foul

    Alyson says:

    I’ve been singing that in my head since the beginning of August (but I haven’t seen it yet on tv). I won’t be singing it out loud until next week. (Let the eye rolling commence.)

    BTW, The person that created that ad is a genius…..

  4. KLZ Says:

    You are very sneaky a Made Man.

    look closely at this post my little mafiosos.
    KLZ recently posted..Get Out- Squatters but Continue to Pay Me

    Alyson says:

    You talkin’ to me? Are you talkin’ to me?

  5. Lori @ In Pursuit of Martha Points Says:

    I love sharpening new pencils.

    Just sayin’.
    Lori @ In Pursuit of Martha Points recently posted..Writer’s Wednesday 3

    Alyson says:

    A couple of years ago I bought about a billion pencils from Lillian Vernon with our last name on them. All different colors, sparkly and not. There are about 500 million left, and I enjoy so very much getting them out and firing up the electric sharpener. Sing it with me, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year….”

  6. Lou Says:

    oh come on, we’re not that RAMBUNCTIOUS when school starts.
    Lou recently posted..Here goes something

    Alyson says:

    No, that happens BEFORE school starts!

  7. Jenny Says:

    Oh, for hell’s sake, I can’t believe it took me that long to see it! *headdesk*
    Jenny recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – Beret

  8. Jenny Says:

    Oh, did I not mention it’s rambunctious? I need a brain transplant. Also, I’m convinced I would’ve found it more quickly if I’d been on a desktop rather than my itty-bitty phone (the scrolling made it difficult). Yeah, I’m super-good at making excuses!
    Jenny recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – Beret

  9. MKJ Says:

    Our Home School List:
    1. Adjust curriculum to meet grade level goals and to improve things that did not work well last year. Obtain “buy-in” from kids for changes and/or put my foot down when I disagree.
    2. Order texts and on-line subscriptions to match upcoming year’s curriculum. Way too many “great” deals & interesting resources.
    3. Make sure e-record from last year is complete & set up framework for upcoming year. So, very close to complete.
    4. Purchase erasers to go with sharpened pencils because Great Kid #2 has rubbed, picked, chewed or otherwise worn them down.
    5. Sign up for fall field trips. Too many great ones. Must say no to something.
    6. Organize our own field trips/clubs. What am I thinking?
    7. Tidy work area. Must I do this today? Sigh. I must.
    8. Get the kids brains warmed up – have them try the new math assessment applications I found (Ten Marks and ALEKS). Stop short of arguing with eldest when he ambitiously picks a math level too high for him to complete.
    9. Print NaNoWriMo Workbooks… Oh No! Not enough ink in printer cartridge.
    10. Have a cocktail after 4pm to steady the nerves.

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