Sometimes, it’s better not to know. But this isn’t one of those times.

My girls and I are off to see a nutritionist tomorrow afternoon. As part of their annual physicals (and mine, it must be said), some attention was given to a plethora of potential problems: BMI, weight, height, blood chemistry, etc. Frankly, the picture isn’t all that fabulous for any of us (oh gall bladder, I’m looking at you). Now, it isn’t horrendous either (yet) — but I decided that we, the girls and I, would be proactive about acquiring good habits, sound nutrition, etc. I suppose it may be perceived as sexist, but I think it’s very true — teach a girl something and you can be sure it will be passed on to her family one day (or, to my current way of thinking, Husband and Sons). At any rate, in preparation for the visit to the nutritionist, she asked us to keep a casual list of the food choices we made this week. (And nice timing, me, to have to keep the list in the week of  our vacation. Excellent planning.)

Forthwith, the items that have been put down my gullet during the week. The truth probably hurts — or at least causes heartburn:

And this is just the stuff I’ll admit to. Notice that it doesn’t include the good stuff, like the daily banana I had, or the giant salads I ate — you know the boring, healthy diet stuff. Where’s the interest in that?

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11 Responses to “Sometimes, it’s better not to know. But this isn’t one of those times.”

  1. liz Says:

    Craig is SO with you on the DQ thing! We don’t have any around here, and he keeps telling me he wants to open one himself just so he can have it.

    Good luck with your appts!
    liz recently posted..Word Up- YO!- Edition 10

  2. Elizabeth Barrett Says:

    I don’t think your list looks too bad. Tell the doctor you believe in what kept my grammy alive until 100, you believe in “Everything in moderation,” emphasis on everything.

    Or lie. I don’t have a problem with it.


    Alyson says:

    The reality is, it’s not bad at all. The problem, certainly for some in my family, is the “moderation” part. And since I’m tired of being the Moderation Police, it’s time to bring in the hired guns to add some validity to what I’ve been saying. Sometimes I feel like if I say it, it means do the opposite, or do it in secret where Mean Mom won’t see…..

  3. Jessica Anne Says:

    What a good idea to see a nutritionist. I’d love some help in that area too. Mini donuts are my downfall as well. They’re just so small, you have to eat most of them to really get the taste. 🙂

    Playing WOW too– I found plethora and gullet.

  4. Liz Says:

    That’s a good idea to see a nutritionist, I feel like I should do that as well. Maybe I’ll just start by trying to keep a list of what I eat this week. Your list doesn’t sound too bad though.

    Playing WOW….I found plethora and gullet
    Liz recently posted..Morning Routines

  5. Booyah's Momma Says:

    I had a hard time getting through your list without wanting to sing, “and a partridge in a pear tree” at the end. This totally could have been sung to that tune.

    Hope all goes well at the nutritionist.
    Booyah’s Momma recently posted..Poop- food- and a surprise nugget

    Alyson says:

    Thank you thank you thank you ….I was writing it and wondering if I should have flipped it around! That was totally in my head too!

  6. Bobbi Cecio Says:

    Given you were on vacation, there could have been a lot more alcohol involved. Imagine if you had made the list the week we went to Mexico! I think you’re perfect!

    Caity just got the “fist-size” portion speech from her doctor. She’s been adhering very well, but then again – Caity really likes “rules”.

    Alyson says:

    Uh, well, I didn’t quite know how to account for the ten (10) cases of beer that the 5+ adults consumed over the 6 days. Is that a carbohydrate? Water (it was Corona LIGHT, after all)? That quantity — 240 — didn’t fit nicely on my list.

  7. Jennifer Juniper Says:

    I was almost concerned about you!! That’s some crap (not too much but if you’re going for way healthy, not great) but not nearly enough for a week..

    And plethora and gullet from the Word Up Yo! Scavenger Hunt.
    Jennifer Juniper recently posted..Post-It Notes Tuesday

    Alyson says:

    Glad you are having fun with the Word Up, YO! stuff this week….happy I could help The Dons!

    As for my diet, I was totally singing Partridge in a Pear Tree (although obviously my rhythm is completely off), and so the list is a bit, oh, tongue and teeth chewing in cheek. If I REALLY put down everything, it would be heavy on malt beverages like Mikes Hard Lemonade (in the berry varieties, please) and foreign beers — but light on things like broccoli, salad greens, and fiber. (Oh well, vacation is over!)

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