Posts Tagged ‘blogs’

Mind the gap.

Monday, August 9th, 2010

vacation: (n)  1 : a respite or a time of respite from something, like a blog : intermission
2 a : a scheduled period during which activity (as of a blog) is suspended
b : a period of exemption from posting granted to a writer
3 : a period spent away from home or personal blog in travel or recreation,
as in  “I had a restful vacation at the beach, even though I was exhausted keeping mental notes about what would make good blogging fodder.”

Etymology: Middle English vacacioun, from Anglo-French vacacion, from Latin vacation-, vacatio freedom, exemption, from vacare   Date: 14th century (And yet, the linguist in me will be busy ruminating on the Spanish or Portuguese, vaca, meaning cow.)


So we’re stuck in an elevator….

Monday, July 19th, 2010

…and rather than stare at the closed doors I’m going to jump in front of you, grab you by the shoulders, look you in the eye and say,

“Hi! I’ve begun blogging in recent months! My blog is called Common Sense, Dancing and it’s about the Real and the Ridiculous as they show up in my life. Did you ever notice how a sense of humor is just common sense, dancing?”

Then I’m going to watch as you reach around me to repeatedly push the Help or Alarm button in the futile hope of rescue.

And then I’m going to release your shoulders, step back, and sigh a big sigh of relief that I’ve been able to work through the Elevator Pitch for my blog. We’ll both go back to staring at the closed doors, but you’ll be trying to skootch away from me as best you can in such a confined space.

I will thank you for your attention.

Next stop, Ladies Outerwear and Fine Accessories. Mind your step leaving the elevator.

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