Posts Tagged ‘spam as entertainment’

You are too kind, really.

Sunday, October 17th, 2010

I’m newish to this blogging thing. I write because *I* want to, I write about what *I* decide I need to get off my chest on any given day, and I write because I find that it’s kinda fun to send something “out there” and see what kind of feedback I get.

And, with the arrival of bona-fide delightful commenters comes the inevitable arrival of Junk (actually, I believe it’s called spam). The lovely folks at WordPress have provided their bloggers with excellent anti-spam tools, and one of these tools thoughtfully collects all the spammy messages into a queue, rather than post them. For this I am grateful — not only for the no-publishing-the-crazy feature, but also for keeping them in the queue. There’s nothing better on a lazy Sunday morning than dipping into that queue to see what the Internet has thrown my way. A sampling for you (and yes, clearly I will just invite more spam into my life by writing about it, but it’s too entertaining to ignore):

–> It’s hard to find sharp people on this topic, but you seem like you know what you are talking about! Thanks.
No, thank *you*. Nothing better than a compliment on an early Sunday morning. Don’t know who you are, or why you think that the post “I need someone to talk to” shows off my superior expertise, but I thank you.

A couple of new international friends have checked in:

–>?Hola! Interesante, yo cotizaci?n en mi sitio m?s tarde.
Hola, En la carga de antivirus mi p?gina de poner alerta, por favor de verificaci?n.
These were from two different new friends about two different posts. Now, I didn’t marry a straight-up American, so I know I’ve got some international appeal — but I didn’t know the blog extended across international boundaries.

–> This is the third time I came to your blog, I like your blog very much, hope your more good posts.
This arrived from someplace in the UK from a group called “Freakshare,”
which warms my heart. Sorta wish they visited more than 3 times, but I guess the Freakshare folks have a lot going on.

Here’s a few that keep me going when I’m having a down day:

–>I have been back here 3 times now and am completely loving the energy on this discussion. Thanks for a wonderful outlet to read high quality data.
“High quality data?” “Loving the energy?” I don’t hear those very often (especially as I avoid “data” like it was some kind of exotic disease. Smacks of math, you know). Well, you are welcome. (And what is it about 3’s? Apparently in the spammy world, it signifies that it is time to comment in gibberish.)

–>Hello! dgeafdg interesting dgeafdg site!
Well, I dgeafdg can’t argue dgeafdg with that! You’re dgeafdg welcome!

–> It’s such a important site. imaginary, very stimulating!!!
I have a little worry that this blog is, indeed, imaginary. (To look at my visitors graph, you might make a very good argument for imaginary….) But I’m happy to know that imaginary can be stimulating (but not the way you think, George Clooney at my kitchen table reading the NYT in his boxers notwithstanding).

–>I have not been back again for any even though. wow has the dialogue taken off. tom are brilliant contributors. I’m writing very well knowledgeable post now. Put up later today. Fantastic task!
This makes me feel the way some of you Out There must feel when you learn that you have [unintentionally] inspired someone. Warm fuzzies, that’s what I mean. Don’t know who the hell “tom” is, or I would agree he are brilliant contributors — and I am still awaiting the very well knowledgeable post. Bated breath people, bated breath.

There’s a really long one in the spam queue this week — it’s way too long to print here — that has provided me with hours minutes of puzzlement over what I could have possibly written to prompt a reply of this kind (and three enormous paragraphs’ worth of reply):

–>I’ve always reasoning it would be good to should prefer to those not ring true jest shoes against when I do out of doors sports such as canoeing and dragon boating. These special sports shoes pander to to salt water out of doors sports in fussy because of the facetious adam’s ale neighbourly material it is made of. When I harmonize canoeing, I occupied to either put aside with my uncover feet or slippers, but was ever after having problems with both. Being bare-ass footed meant that I sway get hurt close to any debris that may cut when I prance on the sand or in the branch water while getting in or obsolete of my canoe.
There are some *great* verbs in these paragraphs of nonsense. Kudos to whatever automaton generated this. “Pander to saltwater?” “Harmonize canoeing?” “Prance on the sand?” There are a ton more in the full post. But the bottom line? I would consider going on this kind of camping trip — if there was sure to be pandering, harmonizing and prancing.

Lastly, my favorite. It’s a headscratcher, but I laughed out loud:

–>i can has cheeseburger?

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