Posts Tagged ‘women bloggers’

There's Wisdom in Them Blogs…

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

In the past several weeks I’ve been ratcheting up my postings, and as a result I’ve been doing a lot more reading through others’ blogs. I must say, it’s been delightful. There are so many interesting (mostly women) writers out there! (I say mostly women because their sites are where I’ve ended up.  Nothing personal, gentlemen.)

I’m going to be a bit more dedicated to keeping up the Blogroll on the bottom on this page, if only because I’d love to pass along some really great wisdom, stories, giggles, and opinions to any of you who happen to stop by. Please take a minute (oh, who am I kidding — an hour, at least) out of your day and do some reading. You won’t be sorry!

And as my first recommendation, hop over to Grace Adams’s site Looks Great Naked. She’s the mom of some teenagers and I’ve found her to be a very wise and forgiving soul — which in turn leads me to be more wise and forgiving (of myself for starters). I recommend you begin with her post “I’d Rather Make Out Too” and then read today’s entry.  (And yes, I was as surprised as anyone to see my name in her blog. Surprised, delighted, and flattered. Thank you, Grace.)

My new refrigerator may have to take a back seat to Grace for a while…

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